Page name: Hott Guys! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-21 01:54:33
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Courtesy of [Bitter Little Bastard] Thanks!

Hott Guys! Is currently undergoing a change in policy and operation. I shall be instating a committee soon as all of the pieces fall together. If you are interested in joining message me ([*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]) or you could problem just write a comment on this page. Thanks and bye.


I'm in [Hott Guys!@*wiki]

Paste this in your house (without *'s)

Hott Guys:

[Poptarts4000] cools im a hott guy!!
[Pin-Up] [Muffin Man] [----]- I hope im not being stared at, thats kinda creepy
[The New Enigma] wow i just realized this is gonna give me a big head
[Bitter Little Bastard]
[Derrty SkittleZ]
[FreakOnALeash]How in the hell?!
[top gun]
[Lost Traveler]
[Cocaine Barbie]
[Nature Boy]
[Witch Hunter]
[Sigard The Faithless]
[Capt. Anarchy]


-[Pin-Up] [Muffin Man] [----] (they are all mine :) and aparently im a hot guy :S

[Bitter Little Bastard] i guess i'm hot since i'm here...oh well, i'm not complaining

[Derrty SkittleZ] Wow... cool, I'm a hott guy? Interesting....

haha i was invited to join im not gonna complain about it [The New Enigma] here and thanks for inviting me to join (yes i was the one to clean up the look of this page)


[Sigard The Faithless]

[Elvómir] Came in first place in the first Hott Guys! election!

[FreakOnALeash] Second place winner of the first ever Hott Guys! election!

[silentwolf] The one and only winner of the second ever election!!!!

[DrakeRivenworth] The one and only winner of the third ever Hott Guys election!!!

"If anyone feels the need to point out whether I was the only person to vote for. I shall poke thee in thee eye with a stick personally :p Ta ducks"

[top gun]
First Place Winner!

[Lost Traveler]
First place winner!

[Cocaine Barbie]
Second Place winner!

[Nature Boy]
"meh, i don't think i'm hot but Flutterbi does"

[xyu] Second Place Winner!

[DCSHOECOUSA] "I love [Dre]!"

[Witch Hunter] Second Place Winner!

[shuthefuckup] <.<.....uhh....>.> who ME? lol Kool xD

[shawivan] Second place winner


[Capt. Anarchy]


Hott Guys Nominations
Hott Guys Mailing List
Hott Loosers!

Username (or number or email):


2005-02-10 [*Beautiful Angel*]: I don't want to suck on anything right now, I'm sick and ready to Drop dead.......X( sheesh Lol

2005-02-10 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: But binky is sooooottthhhing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-10 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Riiiiiight. . . .. .. . . . . . . you keep thinking that!

2005-02-10 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: IT IS!!!!! *nods head matter of factly*

2005-02-12 [Dream to make belive]: Sexy girls n sexy bikins *likes lips* Nice

2005-02-12 [Sigard The Faithless]: likes lips? I think he meant licks. Oh well

2005-02-12 [*Beautiful Angel*]: I woke up this morning and it's like i woke up a new person, My throat doesn't hurt anymore and i feel better. (Just in case anyone wanted something new to read i was bored so there!)

2005-02-13 [Dream to make belive]: yup Im just not very smart really. LoL

2005-02-13 [Sigard The Faithless]: Glad your feeling better Angel

2005-02-13 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Thanks Sigard ;)

2005-02-14 [Sigard The Faithless]: Welcome

2005-02-14 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: How did bikinis get brought into this?!

2005-02-15 [Dream to make belive]: no clue but they are sexy anyway

2005-02-15 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Uh huh... OKAY! How bout fat chicks in bikinis?! *snickers*

2005-02-16 [shawivan]: Fat chicks in bikini?u mean..the kinda of girls who keep wearing bikini that don't suit them? comment.

2005-02-16 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Sorry, I just wanted to give you a mental image and... yes... *says solemnly* *sigh*

2005-02-16 [Dream to make belive]: AG DAMN THATS JUST WRONG

2005-02-17 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: *snickers*

2005-02-18 [Sigard The Faithless]: I have to laugh at those fat trashy young hormonal pubescent little shit bags who wear tracksuits all in one colour, so are far too fat to be allowed outside, like 13 wearing makeup looking like some cheap tart that their mother is...probably got a half cast baby in a shitty little pram, walking around with an attitute trying to be black...ive lost the point I was trying to make...but I hate those little shits! Gag! I wonder if I was like that as a teenager...I hope not and if I was why didnt someone put me out of my misery!!?!!?

2005-02-18 [Sigard The Faithless]: Hopefully thats a wake up call to you vicky pollards out there

2005-02-18 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: What the fuck!

2005-02-19 [Sigard The Faithless]: lol yer

2005-02-19 [*Beautiful Angel*]: What is going on over here?!?!?!? somehow i wasn't watching this wiki anymore and i was like, wow everyone must of gotten a life or somethin....but wow yall have talked up a storm havn't you??!?!?!?

2005-02-20 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: *laughs* US?! A LIFE?! Never heard of anything more ridiculous!

2005-02-21 [Sigard The Faithless]: Is there a life outside drinking, music and computers? Oh and socialising comes under drinking in case you thought I was an alkie!

2005-02-21 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Ummm.... yes. Right now, I'm looking into college! *pats self on back* ^_^

2005-02-23 [Sigard The Faithless]: But im already there, *pats self on back* I think Dentistry is a pretty good course

2005-02-23 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: *pats you on back* Good job! *sigh*

2005-02-25 [Sigard The Faithless]: Dont sigh assface! What are you doing with your life?! Are you gonna earn 75K at 28 years of age....didnt think so...

2005-02-25 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: That wasn't a derogatory sigh dumbass. If you find yourself making 75k at 28 years I would die of shock considering that exibit of your IQ... *sigh* (that one was derogatory)

2005-02-25 [Sigard The Faithless]: Lol this is the sort of stuff that makes me laugh out loud...hence the lol at the start of the sentence, in case your brain is lacking somewhat...! Im in my final year of Dentistry at the Royal London Hospital...guess where that is?! I know for a fact that I will be earning that at 28. And yourself? Art degree? English lit? lol let me lmao!

2005-02-25 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Actually law would be a accurate guess. All though, I do intend to have more than one major... probably something along the lines of history or religious studies. Law is currently what I shall be studying so I can be a constitutional lawyer that will actually be doing somebody somewhere some good, yeah know changing the world and helping people. No offence, but dentists are necessary but they aren't unexpendable. And just so you know, money isn't everything because no matter how much money you have you can still end up opressed and living a mediocre empty life with your huge house and trophy wife with perfect teeth with all your little children running around wishing their daddy was....

2005-02-25 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: home more but instead he is off working to try and make as much money as possible so the stress can bring him to an early grave and all of it will be worth nothing but then your children will have plenty of money to go to college and be a dentist just like daddy where the entire fucking cycle starts all over again... yes that is the future I predict for someone such as yourself.

2005-02-25 [Sigard The Faithless]: lmao! Ha you have just predicted my future life! Well done! Now tell everyone you know that Law is better than Dentisty where you improve the health of oral condition of everyone, when law governs the amount of pressure there is on people to spend money on something they dont need.... do youi need your teeth? Or someone to make that denture...? No im not helping people am I? No not at all

2005-02-25 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Again dentists are indeed necessary, this I've already stated but how many dentists do we really need, I mean if someone decides that they want to see another dentist they can... it's called inflation m'dear. As for your sentence 'law governs the amount of pressure there is on people to spend money on something they dont need" Well, I don't even know where to begin since... well frankly, I'm not quite sure what you were trying to communicate. I may be a college level reader but that doesn't give me the ability to work through such bad grammar. I can get a rough draft of your intended point but it would be obscure lets see were you trying to communicate "Lawyers put pressure on people....

2005-02-25 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: to spend money on something that they do not need"? or "The law puts pressure on people to spend money on lawyers that they do not need"? or are you even sure?

2005-02-25 [Sigard The Faithless]: Look, dont try to work an angle...the point is, your useless in the end of the result. What do you do for the health of the population>? Nothing. What do I do...well I improve the oral condition for alot of people. If you think thats not enough...well then go to hell. If you think the world is better off without dentists then go right ahead

2005-02-25 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Listen, I have no intention of being a lawyer that milks people of all there money too lie and cheat just so they can win some case that is probably not very important anyway. I do not intend to be a frivolous lawyer that handles frivolous lawsuits and tries to make as much money as possible just because they can. I am going to be a constitutional lawyer, being this I intend to fix injustices and unconstitutialities in the American system we are currently living under. And to get America back to what it was meant to be.  And help people. Help people that are getting thrown in jail for having a joint and no offence but I think someone would probably rather be free and not in jail than...

2005-02-25 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: have perfect oral health. Of course there are the few that would purposely get in jail just to have free healthcare but those are besides the point and probably not someone you would want on your side anway. I have a mission in life and I intend to change quite a few things and help quite a few people and after I'm done with that little shtick I intend to run for office and hopefully someday President where I can further clean up the clutter of the system so less people and money get lost in it. Now I commend you for your comment about me trying to work an angle. I was and I admit to that, and I have more respect for your intelligence for calling me on it. Apologize? no, but I do agree.

2005-02-26 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Why can't we all just be Friends?!?!?!?! lol Sorry i've been REALLY busy taking care of things at home and things at anyways if i dissappear then thats why, cause i'm so damn busy :-'(

2005-02-26 [Sigard The Faithless]: Well that was interesting...we have a future clean as a whistle future president among us. There are millions of people with your attitude...what makes you so different from the others? This isnt a witch hunt im just interested

2005-02-28 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: I'm not concerned with attitude. What makes me different from everybody else is my father is a genius and I have taken in on his genes. I've been a political thinker since I was ten. I don't believe in getting things handed to me and honestly I'm one of the very few people out there that respects the constitution sees what's been doning to it and actually wants to do something about it. Further more, I don't take shit from no one and I don't always believe in diplomacy so I might actually get something done... besides, the only thing out there that can make me different from the other future presidents is the people who have to be on my side which is what I shall and have to rely on.

2005-02-28 [MainLiner]: ok ok....just to break up the hate.... I'm moving in with [WingsOfTheOsiris] next monday!!! *has big huge UBER smiles with lots of butterflies and other symptoms of extraordinary happiness*

2005-02-28 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: *gives corsetqueen a hug* Congratulations!

2005-02-28 [MainLiner]: :D can we all stop fighting and have cocktails???

2005-03-01 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Yay!!!!!! Thats awesome CorsetQueen!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thats Freaking Awesome

2005-03-01 [shawivan]: good luck Smiley on Ecstasy if u want to study laws..coz' I'm studying it right now...and I can tell u that I'm crawling under the work..

2005-03-05 [Sigard The Faithless]: lol

2005-03-21 [BarleySinger]: Well [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy] as much as I applaud your irritation with the erosion of basic rights in the USA - basic rights the world over are going to keep sucking, especially anywhere there is a buck to be made. Thing are probably going to get a whole lot worse before they get better. Societies go through phases, driven by ignorance, superstition, apathy, inertia, and self interest. The path that that USA is going though right now started a long time ago. If we are all very luck there will be still human life left on the planet when things are done playing out. Otherwise, I hope whatever replaces humanity has more sense or less inventiveness.

2005-03-21 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: The USA was started on this path when Roosevelt was elected into office. Now to your other points. We have the unique opportunity of undergoing a revolution, without firing a shot. And I have every intention of taking advantage of this. When little girls are getting raped and murdered because people actually give a fuck about criminals rights. Something has to be changed! This is beyond freedom of speech, this is freedom of life and justice that has to be fought for. And we can not afford to sit back and wait for it to get better. Because now it is a matter of life or death... for every girl in this country. For every person that can't defend himself. It is beyond fucked up now!

2005-03-21 [Sigard The Faithless]: What the hell are you talking about? Since when did this become the topic of conversation?

2005-03-29 [zeldazebra]: I have lived through one revolution in this country, and it was exerilerating. I thing we are living through another one now turning back as much of the earler one as posable. The mos ironic thing about this one is it is drivin by the same people who drove the first one. They looked at the world there pearents ran and said that they can do better. Now they have become there perents and wont the stabilaty of there early child hood. When we strugled to expand the defanition of citasen and empower people to become what they are able to become we wer right. As we work to make people more controlable we arw wrong. Ten rears ago we limited the right of dew proses of law,

2005-03-29 [zeldazebra]: in responce to a crisis. More reasently we have again redused the equal protection of law, in responce to a crisis. If charged with right crime you can be heald incogneto indefinatly. isent freedome wonderful.

2005-03-29 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: How do you figure that? As far as I can see, there is no revolution happening at any corner of our country. The revolution and the rebels have come and gone and we seem to have run out of our supply. Well more like our supply has been pulverised by the mass media...

2005-03-29 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: yay^_^ new pics are gonna be up soon *drools while patientlii waitin*

2005-03-29 [MainLiner]: *ish grinning*..... I live... with a Hott Guy...... soooo Hott... *drooool*

2005-03-30 [zeldazebra]: There is a shift in public opinion and expectations. What was expected from the instatutions of government, religon, and industry has changed, and changed signifigantly. The idea of government as the refery of the greater good for socioty as mandated by the people is gon or going in its place is the idea that what is good for buiseyness is good for the nation and privit enterprise alwase works beter than publick regulation. The wall of seperation between chirch and state that jefferson promised the baptist chirch leaders of his day as a protection from government mediling in afares of the chirch is being replaced by an insistance on publick displayes of faith. Revolutions are not alwase

2005-03-30 [zeldazebra]: fought in the streets. they are ultamatly fought in the heart when that battle is won the rest will folow. All to often the intelectual beleaves that revolutions are fought with reason in the intelect, but he is wrong. revolutions are wone or lost on emotions.

2005-03-30 [zeldazebra]: Ronald ragon revolutionary, pres boosh revolutionary, pat robertson revolutionary, The Kato instatute revolutionary orginazation, Michael moore revolutionary.

2005-04-05 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: ....wut?!

2005-04-05 [Sigard The Faithless]: Jesus this politics chat?

2005-04-06 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Naw It's a Talk about Hot guys like You Sigard!Lol

2005-04-06 [Sigard The Faithless]: *blush*

2005-04-06 [*Beautiful Angel*]: and you are Looking Damn Fine! ^-^ Lol

2005-04-07 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: This isn't really the wiki for a political forum actually. As interesting as this is. It doesn't quite fit somehow...

2005-04-08 [Sigard The Faithless]: Yeah, I was waiting for someone to say that! Not that I look fine of course...

2005-04-09 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Lol You do Look Fiiiiiine! Lmao

2005-04-09 [Sigard The Faithless]: Not this morning...hungover!

2005-04-09 [*Beautiful Angel*]: ewww that sucks

2005-04-10 [Sigard The Faithless]: No its ok, just need a shave and a shower and im back in the game

2005-04-13 [zeldazebra]: OK, no more.

2005-04-13 [zeldazebra]: And with that, not a hot guy any more I shal leave

2005-04-14 [*Beautiful Angel*]: *Thinks Sigard is Fuggin Sexxeh!* ^-^

2005-04-15 [Sigard The Faithless]: lol whats wrong? People your age dont shave? What are you 11?

2005-04-16 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Who are you talking to?

2005-04-16 [Sigard The Faithless]: Docwilkie

2005-04-16 [*Beautiful Angel*]: oh alrighty Lol

2005-04-21 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: No I do believe he meant no more political arguing. And he is like fifty something. I would defend you against yourself saying you aren't hott but I don't really see you in that way, cause that would be really wierd and creepy *nods* (PS I'm talking to docwilkie if he ish here)

2005-04-21 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: The hotties are up finally! I'm getting bored of this wiki. Does anybody want to take over running it for me. I'm not going to be getting on the internet very often anymore... any contenders?

2005-04-22 [Sigard The Faithless]: It is a bit boring isnt it?

2005-04-22 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Well smiley maybe me and you could team on it i would like to take over it but like a part-time job! So anyways...whats up with everyone today, i feel like shit and yea >.<

2005-04-22 [Sigard The Faithless]: I had surgery on my jaw yesterday, im in pain, but I have some groovy pain killers! Dihydrocoedine! Great stuff...floating

2005-04-23 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Lol

2005-05-05 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: I shall choose [*Beautiful Angel*] as my second in command. All you need to do is help in the maintenance of the wiki: getting messages sent out to committee members, organizing nominees and adding up new hott guys is pretty much all that you would need to do. Anything else of high magnitude I could get to when I get on the internet. Anyway, I'll message you with full information if you are still interested. Oh and the password of course...

2005-05-06 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Well smiley, i'm sorry but i have decided to leave ET sorry that i have bad timing but ET kinda sucks these days so yeah....but i'm sure you'll be able to find someone else to take care of the wiki. Sorry again :(

2005-05-09 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: *sniffles* but I was so looking forward to you running it. Oh well, maybe it shall just be ran with fewer updates. Unless of course I can find someone else in time. *sniffles* *gives beautiful angel a hug* We shall all miss you!

2005-05-11 [*Beautiful Angel*]: *awwww* Tanks!!!! I'll be back and forth to check messages but thats it, so yeah you'll find someone i'm sure of it

2005-05-14 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Yuppers! I suppose I'll have to.

2005-05-25 [Ally Yo!]: when do we get to vote?

2005-05-25 [Sigard The Faithless]: Whats happening to this little Wiki?

2005-06-02 [Ally Yo!]: i want to vote

2005-06-03 [Sigard The Faithless]: Vote what?

2005-06-10 [Daladís]: I'm curious, what do hot guys talk about with other hot guys? How hot they are?

2005-06-10 [Sigard The Faithless]: Dont you know men? They dont talk to each other! They just give evil looks!

2005-06-10 [*Beautiful Angel*]: I Thought Only Bitches Did that

2005-06-11 [Sigard The Faithless]: Call em what you want...their all the same

2005-06-11 [Daladís]: Apperently I don't know men... I thought u all sat in a room bragging about how great you are and stuff like that, that's what my friends do...

2005-06-11 [Sigard The Faithless]: It im afraid thats not what happens. Well not with my friends anyway. Typical topic would be something we would love to do...example being with another person....preferably a woman

2005-06-12 [Daladís]: Hehe, ok... So you never talk to eachother about beeing with other guys then?

2005-06-12 [Sigard The Faithless]: Thats not a topic that comes up with my friends...but it doesnt mean we dont think it! lol

2005-06-14 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Okkaaay... anyway, who here is interested in taking over this wiki for me. It wont belong to you but you can help with the general up keeping of it. I have no way of getting on the internet and I need somebody to help me out. Please message me if interested and I'll give you the password. *note: if you do anything "unwanted" I will change the password. K? Please get back to me. It will probably be first come firrst serve...

2005-06-15 [Sigard The Faithless]: Thats been tried one wants it

2005-06-17 [Daladís]: I knew that guys secretly wantet to score other guys! Thats why they are so homofobic...

2005-06-17 [Sigard The Faithless]: lmao, dont tell everyone! hahaha they might stop!

2005-06-21 [Daladís]: Ok... So how does it feel to be a hot guy? I really wanna know because I've never been a hot guy...

2005-06-21 [Sigard The Faithless]: I dont feel anything. Looks arent important to me really, its whether or not you can make someone laugh that makes you a champ

2005-06-21 [Daladís]: I guess that's true. Always prefer a funny guy before a hot one... I love funny guys, well girls to but guys are funnier most of the time. I love to wrestle with them and arm-wrestling is so much fun! Girls never want to do that! Mabey because I always beat them...

2005-06-21 [Sigard The Faithless]: Ive studied grappling and submission wrestling for two years at uni so I love to wrestle too. I always win thou! Unless I dont want to win....

2005-06-22 [Daladís]: Well I have not studied it, I guess I'm just strong or just ruthless. Although I've never beaten a guy... just in arm-wrestling but not otherwise. You're all just to strong! Lol... But why wouldn't you wanna win? I always want to win...

2005-06-22 [Sigard The Faithless]: Well there is a position in wrestling/grappling called the Guard, which is when your between someones legs....hint hint and theres one called the mount, I think you can work that one out yourself, winners usually are in the mount position. Now ask yourself why would Aaron want to lose to a girl...ohhh right! DUH!

2005-06-26 [Daladís]: *sigh* Guys... Looses willingly just to be "mounted" by a girl...

2005-06-27 [Sigard The Faithless]: lol dont be a prude! Twas a joke and hell yes it can turn into a romantic session rather than a ....sigh training session! hahaha

2005-07-15 [Daladís]: A prude? Well it's clear that you don't know what you're talking about... I'm not known to be a prude, rather the opposite. Not that I'm some kind of man eating tempteress, but I'm certinly not a prude. That just hurts my feelings *smiles*

2005-07-15 [Sigard The Faithless]: Im not really into your feelings right now.

2005-07-15 [*Beautiful Angel*]: *Tackles and Huggles Sigard tightly* God you are so Hot! ^_^ How are you????

2005-07-16 [Sigard The Faithless]: lol im blushing! Im good, and yourself?

2005-07-16 [*Beautiful Angel*]: I'm good! Tired as hell but good!

2005-07-18 [Sigard The Faithless]: Thats good to hear

2005-07-20 [Mrraining]: guys how can i join u.i am new here. .

2005-07-21 [*Beautiful Angel*]: ok Smiley i'm ready to take on the Job of co-owner of Hott Guys!, i have a great idea for hott guys okay!?!?!?

2005-07-21 [DCSHOECOUSA]: new pics in my house!

2005-07-22 [Sigard The Faithless]: Whats your new idea buttercup

2005-07-22 [*Beautiful Angel*]: X3 well i kinda thought it's really stupid to nominate yourself, someone should nominate and i thought i would make that as a new rule! And then i thought I would just organize this place more, since smiley has done such a good job already! but Smiley seems to have disappeared! oh well!

2005-07-25 [Sigard The Faithless]: Yes it is stupid to nominate yourself, infact its quite embarrassing to see someone who has voted for themselves

2005-07-25 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Yea. . . .

2005-07-27 [Sigard The Faithless]: Ahem...glad you agree

2005-07-29 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: i agree too..

2005-08-01 [*Dance and Be Mine*]: who picked some of these guys?? whoever did, must have been blind

2005-08-01 [Sigard The Faithless]: lol erm ouch

2005-08-10 [*Beautiful Angel*]: well, eliese. . . i think that you have to have an open mind, not all of them have to look stone cold sexy like Sigard or Shawivan OKAY! so get a grip!!!! XD anyways what are yall up to?

2005-08-10 [Sigard The Faithless]: Feels better now! lol Going to two weddings this month! Cant wait to wear the ol' smashing suits!

2005-08-11 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: suits make men look glamorous..dun know how..but they jus do

2005-08-11 [Sigard The Faithless]: Its the illusion that men in suits have money....hence women love them. So they can go shopping, get their nails done, maybe a facial. Just anything from earning a living. But dont worry, men pick them too

2005-08-12 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: yea..hey wait..guys dun have to have money to pick up a chick...although it is a perk ^_^..if or one..dun get my nails done or get shop though

2005-08-12 [Sigard The Faithless]: Why do you speak like your an african in america?

2005-08-26 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: um...idk..guess thas jus how i speak..does it bother u?

2005-08-26 [Sigard The Faithless]: Nope

2005-09-06 [Pink_Pixie]: WOW [xyu]is really cute

2005-09-09 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: yea..most of teh guys here are HOT..

2005-09-10 [Sigard The Faithless]: Id like to say that your not

2005-09-12 [~* ZoDi4C *~]:!?

2005-09-12 [Pink_Pixie]: That was mean!

2005-09-12 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: i wanna know who he is talkin to?...

2005-09-13 [Pink_Pixie]: I think to you, but he seems like an @$$ so it doesn't matter!!

2005-09-13 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: ...we'll see wut he says

2005-09-13 [Sigard The Faithless]: Neither of you...chill winston!

2005-09-13 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: *chills*...sry bout that..

2005-09-14 [Pink_Pixie]: **chills also** and is sorry for calling you an @$$.

2005-09-16 [Sigard The Faithless]: been called worse

2005-09-16 [Pink_Pixie]: like what?

2005-09-17 [Sigard The Faithless]: Erm....let me thinky. Ive been called a dirty Italian shit stabber once. Ha that made me laugh thou

2005-09-19 [Pink_Pixie]: Ha you're right that is quite funny!!

2005-09-23 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: yea it is..

2005-09-25 [Sigard The Faithless]: Hmmm

2005-09-30 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: i'ev been called lots of stuff to..well i'm sure everyone has..

2005-10-02 [Pink_Pixie]: yep Me too. I've been called a lot of times

2005-10-02 [Pink_Pixie]: yep Me too. I've been called a lot of things

2005-10-05 [Sigard The Faithless]: ha...

2005-10-05 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: This conversation is going no where.... just thought I would state the obvious

2005-10-07 [Sigard The Faithless]: Well spotted....

2005-10-12 [Pink_Pixie]: so what else is there to talk about?

2005-10-15 [Sigard The Faithless]: Lets talk about Top Gun

2005-10-16 [Pink_Pixie]: Huh..Why Top Gun?

2005-10-19 [Girlie^^]: uuh hott guys ;D

2005-10-19 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Ermmm.... I'm not sure I've ever watched Top Gun actually. Is it anime?! No that can't be right. Let's talk about Johnny Depp if we are looking for hott guys...

2005-10-19 [Pink_Pixie]: No Top Gun has tom cruise in it. But Lets do talk about JOHNNY DEPP!! He's so HOTT!:)

2005-10-20 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Oh well, Tom Cruise really isn't that hott anyway. Johnny Depp on the other hand is so fantastically sexy its not even funny. *sigh*

2005-10-23 [Pink_Pixie]: He's soo so so HoTT! I'd die if I was to me him!!! *pictures his amazing smile*

2005-10-30 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: yea he is verii that i think bout him i saw in one of those werid magazines that people think he's a vampire cuz he looks teh same since hes been on 21 jump street..

2005-11-06 [*Beautiful Angel*]: No Lets Talk About Sigard!! He's So HOTT!!! ;)

2005-11-10 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: ...ok hes hot

2005-11-24 [..// sarah \\..]: emo

2005-11-26 [Sigard The Faithless]: im not

2005-11-28 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Can we seriously get over Sigard for like two seconds?!

2005-12-01 [Sigard The Faithless]: hahahah im with her...lets talk about her boyfriend or something...sigh

2005-12-01 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Who's boyfriend...

2005-12-02 [Sigard The Faithless]: Yours?

2005-12-02 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: I don't have a boyfriend. If I had a boyfriend do you think I would have this wiki?

2005-12-02 [Sigard The Faithless]: I dont see why not...

2005-12-02 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: It was a joke...

2005-12-03 [Sigard The Faithless]: same here...

2005-12-03 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: *runs around*...i'm reallii bored

2005-12-05 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: I am getting so confused. *runs around with zodi4c*

2005-12-05 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: yea..this is teh solution to confusion..running

2005-12-05 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: hehehehe! Solution and confusion kinda rhyme.

2005-12-06 [Laney.Pauline]: i would so pick for [Derrty SkittleZ]

2005-12-07 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: huh?

2005-12-10 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: hey hes my friend..and i think she means that we should have him as a hot guy..

2005-12-11 [Laney.Pauline]: lol yeah thats it lol he is my good friend and so is she :) so i would pick for him to win

2005-12-20 [.jimmyjuicebox.]: a lot of the's people aren't hot....

2005-12-20 [Pink_Pixie]: Wow, That was kinda harsh!!

2005-12-22 [Sigard The Faithless]: Most of my friends are ugly

2005-12-29 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: i dun think it long as ur friends are cool and you have a good time..

2005-12-29 [Sigard The Faithless]: Well, they drink too much, no girlfriends, shit jobs...erm noisy ratty beer fighters. pals!

2006-03-14 [silver'luna]: wow,this is a great wiki if uv just split from ur boyfreind ^^.....

2006-03-18 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: yes...goggle at teh mass of hot men on this page...

2006-10-16 [kitti]: you all smell!

2006-12-13 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: ...well u commented so i'm guessin that u were sumwut attracted to this supposed "smell"

2012-01-22 [Sagacious Turkey]: Hmm...

2012-03-29 [Sigard The Faithless]: Its been awhile

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